The 100 Best Women's Footballers of All-Time

Eight years ago, when The Football History Boys was born, our knowledge of women's football  was, admitedly, very poor. However, one of the best things to come from our research into the game's incredible past has been increasing our understanding of what continues to be one of the fastest growing sports acround the world. Women's football has an intriguing history and for over a century it tells us stories which go far beyond sport. Thousands of pioneers and innovators have continiously strived to make the game competitive, exciting and enjoyable, and in recent seasons the fruits of their labour have paid off with capacity crowds, incredible superstars and inspired youngsters all being swept up in the movement. 

Below is a list of 100 of the best women's footballers to have played the game. From the munitionettes of the First World War to the modern day greats - you decide who is to be regarded as truly the greatest player to have graced the game!

Pick 5 players who you think are the best of all-time!


©The Football History Boys, 2021


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