QUIZ: The FIFA Women's World Cup: A History
We at The Football History Boys love a good Sporcle, the quiz website where we have learnt and revised so much Geography/History/Science/Music/etc over the years. We also love a good quiz on our podcast too. So with that in mind, we thought we could create another World Cup themed Sporcle quiz for you to enjoy, this time about the women's game!
Here we want you to name every host, winner, runner-up, Golden Boot winner and Golden Ball winner of the FIFA Women's World Cup and then also have a crack at our trivia questions too. Let's see what you're made of, it's out of 55!
(If the quiz does not load: https://www.sporcle.com/games/monegt/the-womens-world-cup-a-history)
Our book is available to buy here! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Footballs-Fifty-Most-Important-Moments/dp/178531632X
©The Football History Boys, 2020